WordPress Update

If you are here, you’re probably wondering why this page doesn’t look like the rest of our site!  I had to update WordPress (our blogging software) and it undid all the embedding work I did a couple years ago.  I like the new features on the right there (like the search etc) but eventually I will find a way to make this look like the rest of our site! One of the most requested features from friends was an RSS feed that worked.  I think I must have broken it when I edited the theme awhile back, but now it’s the default installation and it should work great 🙂 

  1. Seems to be working well, it was easier than I thought. I just did it a different way than last time.

  2. Yeah, I realize it’s broken at the moment – I’m currently working on embedding it again! It’s easy but also very hard in different ways. I’ll try to make it look nice and pretty very soon!

  3. For those of you who use RSS, can you test it out? Link is on the front page under “Meta”. I’m worried about it because my browser only displays ONE entry instead of the most recent 10.

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