Jill’s Store

My new job has been going decently.  I’ve been cleaning, doing data entry, helping people with their computer problems, and learning stuff.  At home, I’ve been coding this cool online store for Jill’s stuff.  It may not be as full-featured as ebay or something, but it works for our purposes.  Just a few items, an SQL backend, a page for Jill to edit her item information, and a “checkout” page. So, be sure to check out her store!  Her stuff is great quality and very cheap for the amount of work she put in.   Currently she has two categories of items up:  Record bowls and plastic bag-bags.

  1. Yeah, that’s kinda under the individual description pages… but Jill can edit the front-page ones if she wants to! Thanks for checkin the stuff out!

  2. Julie

    I love It’s-a-Jill products! You should put on the front page that they are plastic recycled bag-bags.

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