
This weekend I had my first visit to Vermont! My friend Ann and I drove up saturday at noon to go to the wonderful wedding of our friends Mike & Carrie. We all used to work together at Lighthouse and Carrie was my first real friend there, meaning that I could talk to her about issues going on in my life and really be myself 🙂 It was a lovely, lovely, casual, outdoor wedding on the edge of a lake in Barnet, VT. There were maybe under 50 people there, drinks were all stored in a canoe filled will ice, and it was just so personable and nice. There were 5 other Lighthouse folks there and it was really nice to chat & get to know them outside of the school setting. Lovely time, great trip. Congrats Mike & Carrie!

ann and jill in vermont

  1. Jill is very cute in this picture. What a hottie.

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