CrAzY IKEA Trip!

For the last 2 months I have been checking the website daily to check the stock of a desk that both Ben and I liked. Every day it said that it was not yet in stock….I was starting to think it would never change, UNIL I checked it Sunday after church and ….YES, IN STOCK! Now, I’m not one to plan a last minute trip when travel is close to an hour away, but I thought it would be possible and called some friends who lived closeby…my one friend Steph did give me a maybe and said she’d call later. Now, Ikea would be open ’til 9:00 and it is 56 minutes away, so when Steph called me back at 7:30 and said she could go if I could pick her up in Bolton….I didn’t know if we could make it!! But, we gave it a try! Leaving Bolton at 8:00 I was very anxious we would arrive only to find it closed. But we did well with directions, and though my gas light was on and smoke was coming out of my hood when we got off the highway, WE MADE IT!! I felt like I was on Supermarket sweep. We got into the store just as they announced, “attention shoppers the store will be closing in 5 minutes”. I got a cart, got my big box on there and checked out. Whew! We left and hung out a while at the gas station so that my radiator would cool down and we could check it out. We opened it only to find cat sick bubbling out, yeah, it wasn’t pretty. But Steph is highly knowledgable with mechanical things and fixed us up. We had a leisurely ride home, and then Ben and I stayed up ’til 1:00 am assembling it!


  1. Nice desk! And what an adventure you had! 🙂

  2. No, there are no spare cats hiding out in my hood. To clarify, it was coolant gone very bad…

  3. Yes, I like my new desk. I haven’t had drawers since we’ve been married, so while I’m a minimalist, even my daily things got cluttered. Now I have THREE drawers to put stuff in, and a very clean desktop. It was even fun to put together.

    I’m also glad the smoke in the radiator was just cat vomit. Wow… my next question is… but you can probably guess my next question.

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