
Jill and I went to a party Saturday night at someone’s house from church (I have a feeling I should remember this “someone’s” name, but I just can’t). A ton of our friends were there to celebrate Nathan’s birthday party (not Nate Daman, a different one who is in our small group). Nathan’s wife is a professional chef and made tons of sushi and truffles and other nice food. For me, the really great part was the volleyball and frisbee. We played from around 6 to after dark with breaks for free beer, great food, and socializing. Jill and I both went all out playing ultimate frisbee, flying from place to place as if gravity didn’t exist 🙂

Dirty feet

That’s our very dirty feet after we got home that evening. The other side effect is that Jill and I are both very sore today – everywhere! I’ve got to play frisbee more often!

I’ve been reading a really good book about house churches, and I just found the entire text at this link. You can also buy it here. Anyway, it seems like the house church is a much better model than traditional churches, and puts to words many of the frustrations I’ve ever felt in church but couldn’t explain. Apparently there is an entire movement today to get church out of huge buildings and into peoples’ homes, where they originally were. More to come on this subject.

  1. Your foot looks just like a hobbit’s, Ben.

  2. Take pics next time, and we can make a web album of dirty feet.

  3. Oh, man, I can attest to the dirty feet! I scrubbed mine three times AND soaked them, and they were still gray. 🙁

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