Name That Tune!

Alice enjoyed trying on Daddy’s headphones and listening to some of her favorite tunes. Can you guess? Take a stab….I’ll send you some kind of treat if you are the winner!!! Pictures represent 2 songs. Prize may be virtual prize or … real life! 🙂

  1. jill

    Jayne wins! The first is “Frosty” with the hand motions for “they heard him holler STOP”.
    The second is “I’m a little tea pot” You both will get some creative prize through the post… 🙂

  2. Jayne Hansen

    actually, it must be “frosty” too because that’s her fav 🙂

  3. Jayne Hansen

    i’m guessing either “stop, in the name of love” or “i’m a little teapot” 😛

  4. julie hurston

    I’m a little teapot

  5. Kim Munoz

    #1 Twinkle, twinkle
    #2 Swing low, sweet chariot 🙂

    (Can we get a clue?)

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