
Today Ben came home today and stated that he didn’t eat his packed lunch because he had a free lunch in the school cafeteria. “What did you have?”, I inquired. His answer was unlike anything I have ever heard…. “A BALOGNA WRAP”. Please post your thoughts and feelings on this matter. 🙂

  1. Human fingers was actually in the definition?????

    Well that’s mildly frightening. Makes me wonder about the state of medical care for butchers.

  2. Ok, I just looked it up. BOLOGNA is pronounced two ways:

    1) bah • loh’ • nee

    2) bah • lohn’ • yah


    bah • log • nah

    The definition: n. A seasoned smoked sausage made of mixed meats, such as beef, pork, veal, human fingers, and other entrails. Some things are better not to know.

  3. Kerris

    funny, you spelled it exactly how i say it. i pronounce it ba-log-na. hehe

  4. Wow! A lot of bologna fans out there! I was a chicken roll girl myself in 4th grade, bol-og-na never quite did it for me. But I am glad to hear that my husband is not alone in his quest for bologna…

  5. It wasn’t that bad, really… a free lunch is a free lunch 😀

  6. I used to take a couple of slices of bologna and a couple of slices of american cheese and wrap them together for an afternoon snack in high school. Other than that… yeah, never heard of a bologna wrap. But now I have a craving for bologna, which I haven’t had in years.


  7. hmmm. bologna wrap sounds pretty good to me. I imagine a tortilla wrap with bologna and cheese…mmmmm. Not the healthiest of lunches, but certainly not too awful.

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