it’s-a-jill… sold!

Each day at work I eat with a group of friends in a small teaching area. My friend Kerrie has been admiring my plastic bag-bags and said she wanted me to bring them in so she could buy some. I have to get over my craft shyness, and today was a good first step in doing so – I brought them all in to school and…sold 3 to my lunch friends! 🙂 One co-worker wants me to do a “bag” party at her house…and I think I am going to consider it! Here are the bags that sold, and there’s a tiny pic of my new business cards 🙂

jills card
  1. Check out the craft page too, we spend some time re-doing it tonight! Some new icons and such – although we haven’t received permission to use the art on the site yet!

  2. Jul

    great! Long handles seem to be poplular with moms I’ve seen.. maybe you can do more of those. I can’t wait to give our some of your busines cards. And maybe spring is a good time (or before the holidays, I suppose) for bag parties… 😉

  3. Congrats!! A bag party could be fun, I think! Your business cards are super cute too. 🙂

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