I Won A Bet

Jill was going to make cookies for our small group. Since they were my favorite kind, I of course demanded tribute of a baker’s dozen. Jill and I disagreed on what that number was. She thought it was 11 and I thought it was 13. So we made a bet. If I was wrong, I’d get 6 cookies. If I was right, I’d get 20.

Well, I was right and so I got 20 freshly-baked ginger snaps (commonly called “brown cookies” in our house). I made a resolution to bet on things like this more often.

  1. Hey Rick! Thanks for visiting! Was I that easy to find? That’s… good and bad! Mostly good, my Google ranking is pretty up there 🙂

    How about that case we’re working on? The one we’re not allowed to talk about, that one!

  2. Rick (one of the “angry men”)

    Hey Ben,

    You forgot to give me your email address before we left jury yesterday, but I found you anyway !

    Oh, and doesn’t the bearded lady look cute !

    Happy Halloween,

  3. Kimberly

    For your readers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakers_dozen

    Maybe there should be “Jill’s dozen” of 32 cookies. 😉


  5. Kimberly

    Haha! A man who knows enough to order a baker’s dozen instead of a regular dozen is a man who likes his cookies!

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