Captions Contest!

Many of you are familiar with some of the funny stuff on The basic concept is that you take cat pictures of all kinds and put funny captions to them. In addition, the captions should be spelled wrong, which sort of makes it seem like the cat wrote it (also seems to be leet-speek satire).Anyway, tonight Jill and I took some funny pictures of Sarah for this purpose. Let the captioning begin! The funniest of them I’ll try and add the caption and submit it to the site and see if it gets posted!

  1. “5s” – as in “Fives”. As in “I got up from this chair and call ‘fives’”.

  2. Great ones! Neither Jill or I could figure out what ‘5s’ means though!

  3. 2nd to last picture: “Iz Mai Chayr, I kalld ‘5s’”
    2nd from top: “Oh Hai. I iz flossin.”

  4. Kimberly

    Third picture down: “I is abuzed.”

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