Halloween Party

Normally I’m not much of a party-goer, and even less of a Halloween celebrator. Maybe I was just excited to be dressing up as a girl. Also Helga, one of the teachers at my school, invited me personally (she was our host as well) and I didn’t have a good excuse. All this and Jill wanted to come too, so we made it out to Sudbury. Sometimes you think that people at work are always the way they are when they’re working. You rarely see their social side. Last night reminded me that these people I normally think of as so professional are really… quite weird and silly 🙂 Here’s some pics!

Halloween Party Pix

Jill as Pippi Longstocking

Halloween Party Pix

Our art teacher Irena (who never dresses like this normally)

Halloween Party Pix

Our host, Helga (same deal as Irena)

Halloween Party Pix

Howard, a teacher at my school. He’s very intellectual and we ended up talking about the Bible and martyrs.

Halloween Party Pix

My dress!. This was Jill’s mom’s square dancing dress! I’m so pretty… oh so pretty…

Halloween Party Pix

Jill and I at the party

Halloween Party Pix

Halloween Party Pix

  1. Kerris

    Oh goodness, my big brother dressed as a girl…never has there been a prouder moment…sheesh.

  2. So you were Little Red Riding Ben with hirsutism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hirsutism)

  3. Yep! I am so cute too. Jill wouldn’t let me shave my goatee though 🙂

  4. Were you supposed to be Little Red Riding Ben?

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