Kazarolling 2007

Our Second Annual Kazarolling was last night! We met in our church’s parking lot and proceeded to accost many houses on several side streets throughout the neighborhood.

Reactions, like last year, were varied. A couple people actually closed the door on us in the middle of a song. Most people were happy to see us kazooing and called the other members of their families to hear. The best had to be a family with little kids that kept jumping up and down while we were performing. One family tried to give us money (our bucket full of kazoos was probably misleading). Overall, responses were favorable and we could hear many people saying as we walked away that we were great and what a good idea!

This year we had Nathan, Paul & Liz & Jonathan, Chip, Jeff, and Jill and I. We’ll be doing this again next year, so be ready!

Pictures are here!

  1. That’s awesome! Why were you searching for stirrings and kazoo in the same search?

  2. Matt Clay

    i’m sorry, that should have been “kazooing”

  3. Matt Clay

    hello, just telling you the extremely useful information that this page is the only one on the internet to include the words “stirrings” and “kazoo”

    thank you

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