2008, Christmas, Birthday, Our Weeks

I haven’t blogged in a while; guess I have some catching up to do.  First of all, thanks for all the comments on our previous post!  We like comments 🙂 “Then post something worth commenting on!” you say? I’ll try my bestest.

I guess I should start the last couple weeks. Jill and I both had off the entire week, and apart from getting together with family and a couple of fun outings (like Kazarolling), we took it easy the entire week. Jill and I read a lot, played in the snow once, watched Lost (we got season three for Christmas from my dad), and I read to Jill a bunch. I didn’t even have to go to jury duty this week!

For Christmas, we went to Jill’s family’s house. I got Jill an electric blanket, a nice pen, and some warm/fancy socks. I got iTunes gift certificates, a PowerMate, some money from relatives, the ENTIRE Mr. Bean collection, an Amazon gift certificate, a fun USB-powered lava lamp, and some nerf dart refills. Thanks everyone!

The next day was my birthday (I’m 27). Jill got me a gallon of grape juice and made me scallops wrapped in bacon, which were delicious. My sister and dad called me and chatted, which was nice.

The same week we went to our small group after a long absence. We talked about Christmas and how gift-giving is such an expected part of the day. There’s a lot of guilt and expectations that weary us rather than give us joy. It’s also very commercialized so you eventually feel like not giving a gift to someone means that you don’t care about them. Then there’s also the REAL meaning of Christmas that we tend to downplay in the focus on gift-giving, trees, family, events, and schedules. Very few of the people in our group grew up with any traditions focusing on Jesus’ birth other than church on Christmas Eve. That’s an encouragement to start one, families!

Last night (New Year’s Eve) we went to my brother-in-law’s house and feasted on Indian food Ed likes to make. We toasted the New Year at 8:30 because of all the kids and I played card games with Ryan (our buddy) and Ed.

Now Jill and I are at home watching the snow and we’re about to watch “12 Angry Men”, an old black n’ white movie about a jury. We’re secretly hoping for a snow day tomorrow, our first day back to work.

  1. I didn’t know there was a newer version! The older one was great though.

  2. “12 Angry Men” – both versions, there’s a newer one too – is a great movie. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed it!!!

    Also – AWESOME that you got the entire Mr. Bean collection. Awesome. 🙂

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