
So lately I’ve been having fun with some new hobbies related to essential oils. It’s fun to collect them and research their qualities. They smell great and can be used for several different things.

One is aromatherapy. I’m no doctor, but some of the plant oils do have medicinal effects if used correctly. It’s no replacement for real medical treatment, but some minor sicknesses and infections can be treated naturally. For instance, eucalyptus oil is a good expectorant and great for treating colds.

Not all oils have medicinal qualities, and some are even poisonous or skin irritant. Some are incredibly anti-bacterial or anti-viral, others just smell good when diffused in the air.

Another application of essential oils is perfumery. I have mixed one perfume so far, and Alice and Jill have been wearing it. I hope to make lots more! This is a fun hobby that is almost like making music… the blending is highly subjective and yet somewhat formalized. The end result is a “chord” of smells – and there are infinite combinations! A professional has about 30,000 separate scents to work with (mostly synthetic), but you can make perfumes that smell good with just “naturals” too!

Finally, today I made my first foray into soap making. This is somewhat similar to perfumery, except your “blend” of oils is used to make your plain soap smell good! Then you can get all artsy with the visual presentation:


  1. You closet catholic and your fleur de lis! 😛
    Neat projects though; those look really good.

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