Words of Affirmation

I recently reread the book “The Five Love Languages” and was reminded why I enjoyed it so much the first time. It was really helpful to take another look at the way I communicate and receive love. If you’re unfamiliar with the love languages, the author Gary Chapman puts them into 5 categories

Acts of Service
Physical Touch
Gift Giving
Words of Affirmation
Quality Time

I’ve always been able to identify my top ones (acts of service & words of affirmation), but have never really identify and outstanding winner.

Today, I had my meeting with the Executive Director at work. I wanted to talk library with him and discuss ideas I have had for making our Library a better one. It went pretty much as I expected it to. We spent some time just catching up and discussing my division at work. Then I had the floor to share my professional goals and talk about the school library. Friends and co-workers who met with him before had said that he’ll “say such good things about you that you want to cry”. Well…. 🙂 Those who are closest to me know that I’m an easy crier. Looking back, I guess it was just nice to hear those things and be affirmed. I can think one thing, but hearing feedback from others really makes a difference. I have had this experience with others from work and supervisors who have given me encouraging words about the work I do, and it really means a lot to me. On the occasion when my mom, husband, sister, friend has written me an affirming note… it’s the best thing!

So, there it is, I think words of affirmation might just be my primary love language. But you can still give me gifts if you want to 🙂

What’s your love language?

  1. I’m with you Jill… I’m a Words of Affirmation with a “secondary” tendency towards Quality Time. 🙂

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