Hi-Tech Pizza Box

I had a hot date tonight. Jill and I got pizza and ate on the floor (since my geek stuff is all over the table). To my utter amazement, I saw this on the box:

I was SO relieved that my pizza box was engineered with thermal exhaust ports. Far from being just normal slits that provide no purpose whatsoever, these “ports” are the newest technology in pizza boxes and represent the future of cardboard-based sustenance transportation!

Next time you have pizza delivered, accept nothing less than the best. Demand that your pizza box have thermal exhaust ports!

  1. HAHA

    mmm cardboard!

  2. Kerris

    This is funny, especially since I just learned of research that showed that Dominos pizza boxes are more nutritional that the actual pizza. Go figure.

  3. Dominos, and yes that would be a great energy conversion scheme.

  4. Absolutely brilliant. Brilliant. Now if only they could capture that thermal exhaust to power my television, we’d have pizza-thermal conversion.

    What pizza place is this?

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