
I’ve been really blessed by attending church this month. We have been doing a series on resolutions, talking about anger, taming our tongues, and addictions. The sermons are available online at the Harbor of Hope website, and I highly recommended them!

This is such an answer to prayer for me because a year ago I was struggling to get excited for Sunday services. This has been a big deal for us for the past year. I had visited some other churches and wondered if it was time for a change. In the last 2 months some things have changed and really made a difference.

The messages have been hitting upon very important topics lately. I love this. There are many topics the the Christian community tends to avoid discussing, yet are also the topics that deeply imbedded into out lives.

My attitude has also changed. With the help of some wise people I meet with I’ve been able to examine my motives and beliefs around Sunday church. One friend said that she goes to church not necessarily for the music or the messages, but for the interactions with other in the family of believers. She often prays that God will direct her to interact with and chat with the right people whom she can encourage or be of a help to. This was very inspiring. Also, I felt encouraged that even people who have been part of a church body for years and years still have times where they don’t like the music or the messages or something. Yet, they are faithful to going and God blesses that and uses them.

  1. I agree with your take on the messages lately – they have been really awesome and very helpful. I hope that the momentum continues throughout the year, and I’m glad that God was able to get you excited again through the message series. 🙂

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