Working Out the Easy Way

I could never understand working out in a gym or lifting weights. You pay a lot of money to a place so you can go and do something repetitive and boring so you can stay in shape. Being in shape is great, but I like to do something FUN while achieving this goal.

Jill and I used to do karate, but it was expensive and quite a time commitment. So for a while we were doing nothing physical at all. Recently we signed up for volleyball through the community ed program in our town. Last night was our first time. Jill couldn’t go because she had a medical procedure today (I’m in the waiting room right now on her new laptop). I went and met lots of people and had a really fun time. I played goalie for a couple years in high school so I naturally fall all over the place trying to hit the volleyball. On a hard floor this produces bruises, and I’m also very sore. But it feels good at the same time 🙂

Anyway I recommend casual sports as a great way to work out, you have fun at the same time you’re getting in shape.

  1. This is a great idea, Ben! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

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