Crocheted Friends

I have finally attempted the world of crocheted animals! i have some friends who are very good at it and I have been, I can admit it, jealous whenever I see their fabulous creations. So, I set out to learn this skill too, and here is what I came up with! Turtle and Wiener doggy 🙂

crocheted friends

  1. Barb

    Well Jill, I finally got to your pictures of your animals. They are the cutest little critters! Nice job in putting them together. I can hardle wait to see who comes next.
    No need to feel they don’t measure up to the “professionals.” They are absolutely adorable!

  2. Kerris

    so cute! i want one! 🙂

  3. Oh. My. Goodness!

    I heart them! They are sooooo cute!!! Great job. 🙂

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