Library Conference

Today I trekked into Boston for my first Library conference. It was put on by the MSLA (Massachusetts School Library Association) and more specifically by a group of students who are part of the Student Initiative Group. It was very well done and I was glad that i was able to go. I got to attend 2 workshops, one on using technology in the library and one on bookmaking. I went away with great leads of websites to check out, several homemade books, great ideas on library lessons with kids, a free tote bag, yummy lunch in my belly, new acquaintances, and more! A fun day well spent 🙂

Some of the neat things I learned about:

Moo cards – awesome cards, like tiny business cars which can be used for sharing website addresses, used as inviations, etc. They also make awesome sticker books!

Libraryteacher.ning – seems like a neat networking site. Many people I met today said that they use it alot for ideas etc. I havn’t looked through the whole site, but it seems like a good place!

MSLA – Mass School Lib. Association. They have great stuff to support school librarians, awesome research, job listings, etc. Seems like a great things to be part of – need to become a member!

  1. Isn’t great? I keep trying to think of a good reason to order some stickers from them! Sometimes i like to just browse their site for a while, just looking.

    I’m glad you had a good time at the conference. Events like that always boosted my fervor for museum work.

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