Pet Peeves

Inspired by our friend Danielle’s blog (link on right), I decided to do my own pet peeve post.

First of all, my short theory of pet peeves. As Danielle posted, the definition from Wikipedia is a “minor annoyance that can instill great frustration in an individual”. But how do people develop them? As a man with several pet peeves, my theory is that there are three sources:

Things you are good at – and therefore expect others to be good at.

Are you good at remembering peoples’ names? You may find that it bugs you that others don’t remember yours! Do you carefully put the cap back on the toothpaste and replace the toilet paper when it’s almost out? Doesn’t it annoy you when your filthy husband can’t do the same thing? This is augmented when you *try* hard at being good at something, and others don’t seem to put in the same effort.

Things your spouse is bad at.

Oopposites in some things tend to attract us to our spouse, but this can be a source of pet peeves as well. If your spouse is bad at taking out the trash, you may find that it becomes a pet peeve of yours. The issue becomes one of respect. “Why can’t he do this one simple thing for me?” But we blame it on the trash much of the time, and find it becomes our pet peeve.

Unpleasant things we feel powerless to change.

For grumbling pessimists like me, these things crop up all over. I can always find something to whine about. When it’s a particularly annoying and yet unchangeable issue, it may become a pet peeve!

Now, on to my personal set of pet peeves. This is just the big ones I could think of today:

1) Interruption. I was brought up to be silent when people are talking and not interrupt them until they are done. Because I’m (sort of) good at this, I naturally expect others to do the same, and it bugs me when people start talking when another person isn’t finished.

2) Disorganization. This has become a bigger pet peeve since I got married (since Jill isn’t as OCD as me). Piles with no purpose, bulging junk drawers, pack rats, storage tupperware, cluttered living rooms – all of it annoys me. I can’t stand keeping things that I will probably never use, and my desk is usually neat and orderly (with my stuff at 90 degree angles, of course).

3) Lawbreaking. Something I used to not care much about and be horrible at; but have come to care a lot about and be better at. Since I put effort in here, it of course bugs me when people don’t do the same (see theory number one above). Lately this manifests itself through speeding and stealing. If I’m going to try to do the right thing, then darn it, everyone else should have to suffer too! [insert five minute rant here]

4) Windows. I’ve been a computer geek for years, but when I sit down in front of Windows, I feel so frustrated I want to pull my hair out and take an axe to the computer. “It’s just because you don’t use it that you hate it,” you may say. True… but it’s still a pet peeve.

5) Mosquitoes. Lord, you created all the animals and insects. Most of them display your power and glory very well! But *please* tell me how mosquitoes fit into your great plan? Did you really create mosquitoes and say, “It is good”? If you wiped out all of the mosquitoes, wouldn’t your beautiful creation still be just as awesome?

6) Disrespectful Wives. Ok this really bugs me (and not for reason number two – Jill is awesome at this). When I see a wife talking trash about her husband in public, I want to wring her neck. Women don’t realize the damage they do to their husband’s fragile ego when they insult them in front of friends. Worst of all, there’s nothing the husband can do about it. Most of the time it’s a joke at his expense that may be quite funny. Or it might be a snide comment about how he is bad at this or never does that. Wives, please, if you love your husband, only say GOOD things about him in public!

7) Wasting Batteries. Especially non-rechargeable ones. I don’t even like battery-powered things because I’m so stingy about turning them off all the time.

8 ) Taxes. I wouldn’t mind a bit of tax, but when you pay 30% of your self-employment income + property tax + excise tax + sales tax + title tax + state tax + capital gains tax, well, it really adds up. This is one huge reason I’ll never vote Democrat. Taxes is our third largest spending category, after mortgage and car expense. That should not be.

What are some of your pet peeves? We love the comments!

  1. Gah! Mosquitoes! Steve hates mosquitoes too… a bunch of him had a feast on his legs the other night when we were with the Underground students playing ulimate frisbee. YUCK!!!

  2. Nah it’s not unreasonable 🙂 People should be on time! Some people run a half hour late all the time, but I too find that rude when you plan on a specific time.

  3. Kerris

    One of my biggest pet peeves is lateness. If someone says they’ll be somewhere at a specific time, I find it disrespectful when they are late. Then they just laugh it off and make excuses for their tardiness. Really irritates me, but perhaps it is because of your theory-I am good at being punctional and expect it of myself, therefore, I unreasonably expect it of others.

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