
Lotsa pictures as I play catch up on the happenings of the month. A great month for family visits, creativity and fun.

Ben’s gig in Framingham with Hypnotic Groove. Rockin’ to the tunes of the 70’s to today. And then a gig with Grace & Caperings, amazing original tunes. Fun times! This guy is really good at guitar…

gig1 g&c2

A trip to Maine! Love the welcoming committee. Who wouldn’t want this smilin’ face to greet them? 🙂

jacob jtub

And Leif managed to smile even thought he had a tonsil as big as a rock! yikes!


Stories with Mimi. 🙂

mimi2 mimi

Making “Appew Tuwteys” was a hit! Not everyone can say that “C” sound… 🙂


Love that lake year round…


Back home and blessed with a visit from Grampa & Emaw!


ant farm wonder, and the first snowfall!

ant snow

Creativity a’buddin’ with miniature diaramas.

diarama2 tiny

and Happy Thanksgiving to All!


  1. Jayne Hansen

    Great stuff, Jill! And his tonsil is looking better on allergy medication, in case anyone was wondering 🙂

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