36.7 MPG!

That’s right, 36.7 for jills little beelte this last tank! I’m psyched. Ben & I have an ongoing contest to see who can get the best milage out of their vehicle. I’m afraid that he just won’t be able to keep up! I’m no hard core hypermiler, but I have taken on some of the techniques that help my car be more effecient with gas. The main things:

* Taking my foot off the gas when i can coast or go into neutral, being mindful of lights and stops and anticipating it instead of gassing until breaking.

* Going the speed limit and under. On 495 I have started going 60 mph to and from work, and I think that is what really made a change. It is said that for every 5
miles you go over 60 its like paying an extra 30 cents a gallon.

Learn how you can become a hypermiler!

  1. Cool! Looks like a great tool to track info. Thanks Becky! 🙂

  2. Have you seen fuelfrog.com ? We’ve been tracking our mpg on there and it’s a nice little tool.

    Way to Go on the 36.7!

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