Prayers of a Child

Many of you know that a difficult thing for our fall was having to re-home our pets. This was hard and most so on Alice. We were thankful that new homes were found. But still, since that time she has prayed that she would be able to get the cats back. Particularly Sarah, who has been part of our family since before she was born. So, every night she has prayed and asked God to let her get her cat back.

As a mother I wondered if I should just let her pray this or give some lesson about not making God a vending machine. In wisdom, Ben advised that she could pray anything that she wanted to God. We know that Jesus so loved children, encouraged the little ones to come to him, and he absolutely hears and respects the prayers of children. He taught that we actually need to be more like kids! Shame on me for hindering her to pray as her heart directed to a God that she knows is big enough to do anything.

So fast forward to this weekend. This is the scene in our home:

Sarah had gone to a new owner, but the owner recently passed. We were saddened to hear of the loss of our friend on the weekend, but had joy in knowledge of her faith and the peace she now dwells in with Jesus. As for Sarah, we have brought her back to our house! These two are the most snuggly pair. Nearly every homeschool subject has been done in the position seen here. Isn’t God good? He is amazing. He hears all our prayers. Never give up on yours.

  1. Jill

    We knew it wasn’t a permanant thing with Sarah, becuase the circumstances with pets in our home were still the same. But Alice and Ben agreed to “foster” Sarah until the right home turned up. Meanwhile, Alice began to ask God to provide a new home within 20 minutes (so she could visit) with owners who love God. After two weeks she did go with such a family! 🙂

  2. That is so great! Thanks for sharing. I love the last line: He hears all our prayers. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURS! That is a great lesson. I am so glad Alice is happy with her cat back.

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