The View

This is a common view from the kitchen these days. Alice still loves to climb and Ben is still enjoying his indoor quick-shooting.

As for the view of the kitchen, here’s a shot of the homemade tortilla chips! So good! We’ve converted to only wanting these homemade ones… The Chronicles of the Mexican Housewife… 😀

  1. Jill

    Yay! This is how I hoped it would work. I post my chicken-scratch recipe, and then if someone is actually interested I type it out here. So easy.


    2 1/2 cups flour
    1 t. baking powder
    1/2 t salt – mix these three together first

    1/4 c. oil (I use canola or olive)
    3/4 c. hot water – mix these together and then add to the rest.

    Mix with fork until you have a nice shaggy mess. Knead briefly until smooth. Divide into balls or clumps (maybe 8?). Flour surface and rolling pin. Roll out. I roll out each and stack them up. Then heat pan up to medium and put on one at a time. When it starts to bubble it is about ready for a flip. Takes just a minute or 2 on each side! 😛

  2. Jennifer Murphy

    What’s the recipe for homemade tortilla chips?

  3. Ha! You are not Mexican!

    (I think…)

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