Winter in Maine

While it started to feel like spring here early this month, it was still deep winter in Maine! Alice, Grammy and I had fun packing up our winter gear for one more winter romp.

The lake in Hartland, Maine was beautiful. Loved watching from this porch view.

Everyone’s suited up for some fun on the ice!

Even Grammy gets in on the snowmobiling. 🙂

Bliss… This picture should be the cover for some music album, don’t you think? 🙂

And even…there is indoor fun! Painting, making cookies, hide and seek…

…the new game called “Alice launch”.

And some fantastic art, coming soon to order on T-shirt. Want one? 😀

  1. I would love a t-shirt? How much are they and can I get one in XXXL? I’d like to see a sample before I buy…

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