Oh, For a Thneed

A thneed 🙂
A Fine-Something-That-All-People-Need!
This week in the library we listened to an audio recording of “The Lorax”. It is read by Ted Danson, which took some getting used to. He starts off a bit boring sounding, but man does he kick it as the Lorax! Fantastic Lorax voice! Listening to it worked out well because I’ve been sick and didn’t have to do all the talking, and the kids were very captivated. Now THNEED is just my favorite word, go on, say it out loud…. yesssssssss. Love that thneed, even though it represents useless junk that is made by wasting natural resources. 🙁

ps – ben said he will fix the comment thingy so that it works, so stay tuned, and then, leave lotsa comments so we can feel glad 😀

  1. The comments are working now!

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