Golf Marathon

Today was the golf marathon! Up at 5 AM and off to Holden. We golfed for hours and hours – 100 holes to raise money for Young Life. Having never golfed before, it was quite a challenge. I did have a cute caddy though. It was about 40ΒΊ and raining all day, so we were soaking wet and cold most of the time. We mostly went around with Chip and Liz, volunteer leaders from our area. Chip is good at golfing and gave me some pointers. I actually did pretty well the 10% of the time I hit the ball. Also towards the end I was hitting 4-5 balls at once on the same hole. It would have taken 2 days otherwise, I think.

We finished sometime after lunch, and we got some prizes donated by various busineses. Some of the prizes were free lodging for a vacation, helicopter rides, a corvette for the day, and tons of others. Jill and I ended up getting a lobster bake for two, free outdoor photography sitting, free tickets to any BSO performance (back stage tour included), and a AAA free membership and gift bag. The bag was funny – it had every kind of paraphanelia you could imagine. CD case, umbrella, tape measure, maps, teddy bear, frisbee, cards, first aid kit, mug, lunch bag, poncho, and pens are just some of the things that were stuffed in there.

The first time I’d ever golfed, and hopefully my last πŸ™‚ That was really hard!

  1. jill

    yes, the golf marathon was awesome! It was a crummy day but we actually had an awesome time πŸ™‚ Ben worked harder than I have ever seen him work! It rained all day but he never complained, and he finished all the holes. Also, he had never golfed before, but he was actually really good!! One of the funniest parts of the day was when my little cart caught the wet grass on a hill and went spiriling down out of control. We were histerical! Anyways, the hole day raised more than $60,000 for Young Life so it was a very successful day! πŸ™‚

  2. Ben

    Dan rocks! How is DC, dood?

  3. Dan

    RSS rules! I get to be the first comment!!! πŸ™‚

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