Outdoor Life

With the pandemic families are doing many more activities together as families outdoors, which is a great thing! We’ve been doing a lot of things outdoors, but without having to go far. Most of our go-to spots are within walking distance. Our new favorite waterfall is the exception, about 50 minutes away.

Another trip to Duane’s Falls in Royalston. This time the water level was high and we could swim and even go in and under the waterfall caves. So exhilarating! We loved it.

Blessed this last weekend to have friends come visit. Loved enjoying our favorite local spots. The Vine-Swing is a favorite among all ages.


Water lilies in abundance! We enjoyed this hike of exploring, foraging and gathering.

These girls were a lot to keep up with – so glad they had each other! Grateful for our friendship over the years. 🙂 Here is a then and now reenactment…maybe a 3 year difference? Special friends. 🙂

  1. Beautiful photos of people in water and water falls! Looks like tons of fun.

    I’m back on FB. Look me up! Ha ha.

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