These Times

photography by Ben Holt in the woods of Codman Hill

Most people agree that this past year has not been the simplest year. And as we go into 2021 it really doesn’t look too different to me. But what a comfort to know and trust in the God who is in control – to really believe it! That God is bigger than all of this, and he has a bigger picture. That is comfort!

I have been working my way through reading Exodus. It is not my go-to book for daily encouragement. Generally, it is the book I leave ’til last when reading through the bible! But God speaks to us through his word, revealing truths and bringing comfort from the only book that is “living and active. ” You thought it was only the Neverending Story? Well this one is even better! 🙂

The Hebrew people have just been set free from the clutches of Pharoah in chapters 13 & 14 and heading into the unknown

God did not lead them on the road through Philistine country, though it was shorter.

Ex 13:17

This caught my attention. Because to do a super long journey with something like 2.4 million, one would certainly go for the shortest route! Yet God has them take the longer road. A different road. He could see further than they could, and he knew which road was better. In this case it was the route that would avoid war. God knew which path was the best for them. Whatever we go through He knows which road is best for us and when we seek him he is faithful to give us guidance.

Do not be afraid, stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today…the LORD will fight for you, you need only be still.

Ex 14:13-14

I love this! I am no mighty convincer or debater or game-changer. That’s OK because God is! He’s volunteered to do the work. My job is to be still and trust him and obey what he calls me to do.

  1. I love Exodus 14:14 – The Lord Himself will fight for you, all you need is to be still.

  2. Rick


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