Pregnancy (part 1)

Pregnancy so far has been a time or trial, triumph, and seeing God’s provision. I found myself with a lot of anxiety the first trimester, largely associated with insurance coverage, worry of miscarriage, and above all the temptation to let fear and worry rule in my heart.

“DO NOT BE ANXIOUS about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition, with thanks giving, present your requests to God, AND THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philipians 4:6-7

Worry and fear are not of the Lord, and I have had to deal with this regularly. I’m thankful for the people God has put in my path to encourage me, pray for me, provide medical peace and wisdom, share experiences. The list of people is long. But it really has been a surprising peace, the kind that passes understanding. 🙂 Truly thankful for the body of people who have come along side me.

Tomorrow I go for my first appointment, and I think I might be the most excited person who’s ever entered their office. I had resigned to the fact that my insurance covered nothing until January when a new one would kick in. But, God is Good and can be the king of sneaky loopholes! He found me one and now I get to get some prenatal care! Yes! 🙂 And PS, I am over the all day morning sickness – feeling so much better!!

He is FAITHFUL, He is GOOD, and He is so in CONTROL.

Here’s a picture of me and my new belly. And, while I’m being all feminine and preggy, here’s a pic of ben being all masculine and using tools 🙂


  1. Kim

    I’m loving that baby bump 🙂 For some strange reason, I never imagined that you would ever get pregnant. I am SO happy that you are!! I’ll call you this weekend!

  2. Julie

    well, look at you! 😉 How did your appt. go? See you Sunday??

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