Ben and Jill and Bun

I had the cutest voice mail from my nephew wishing us a Happy New Year, and it was followed by my brother giving his regards to “Jill & Ben & Bun” with a chuckle. I liked that 🙂

This week we had our mid-way ultrasound. Here’s the cute little footprint. Actually, the 2 feet are there, kinda one over the other.


Here’s the other pic of the little head with a hand up. It was definitely a neat experience to see the baby moving around and all the little parts! We are waiting to find out the gender, so nothing was determined about that. The things of note are that there was an ecogenic focus in the heart. This is not a main concern, just something common in Downs, so takes our risk for that up by a half a percentage. The other thing is an unidentified mass in the abdomen. I will go into Brigham and Women’s hospital this Tuesday for a follow up. A level 2 ultrasound will look more closely at these issues. I have a peace about it though, really not too worried. More concerned about getting into Boston during rush hour! We’ve really felt God’s hand over us and the baby all this pregnancy and know that he goes before us with still.


Also, for any Mom readers out there. I have an anterior placenta, which isn’t a major issue, the placenta can form anywhere. But, I guess it is a little less common. Anyone else out there who had this? And, the baby is also in breech position, which isn’t a concern because I’m in 2nd trimester, but I’m still interested in hearing if other women had experience with this. How do you help your little baby move to a new position?

  1. Jen Bernat

    Cute ultrasound pics Jill! Hope you are feeling well. I also have had anterior placenta with all 3 – it makes it harder to feel the baby move until later on….at least for me! Anyway, good luck with the 2nd half of your pregnancy – hope all goes smooth. I’m due on Thurs with peanut #3 – please come soon!!!!

  2. Chris

    So happy to see the ultra sound pics! Such an exciting time for parents…and for grandparents I may add! What is your due date? Love to all three of you! Chris

  3. Sarah Kingan

    The advice I’ve heard to get the baby head down is to spend some time on all fours. The best position is “polar bear”, on your knees and elbows so that your bum is in the air. I guess it shifts the baby forward and then he/she can settle back in the right position. I think you need to spend some time (>20 minutes) like this and doing it daily can also help. I bet any resource on pregnancy yoga will have info about this.
    xoxo to you three!

  4. Julie

    thanks for posting! Very cute.. will have to look up that placenta issue..
    love you, Jul

  5. Christine Sargent

    Very sweet profile of the baby. Thanks for sharing.

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