Trip to Brigham & Womens

Made it successfully in and out of the city today, with the help of my sister Jen and her savvy driving skills. The second ultrasound went fine, the Dr. actually didn’t see the ecogenic focus in the heart, but saw one somewhere else. These are very common though, and they often disappear. So, no problems really. So far the blood work has come out showing no issues, so nothing major. And the good news is that ‘the wiggler’ has actually moved quite a bit and is more head down. Thanks everyone for the notes, prayers and well wishes! May 18th here we come! 🙂

  1. yeah! so glad to hear that… you’re gettin really close!

  2. Amanda

    Great news! Often things they “see” are not really issues in the long run! It is fun to have ultrasounds though. I had many many unltrasounds with both girls. Anna because I had placenta previa, and Ella cause I had some sort of uterine band plus she was breech. . .I also had bleeding in the beginning with both girls so that was a bunch of ultrasounds as well!

    Take care,

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