
The bedroom is just about ready for a baby! We got new carpet last week and are all set up with the glider, bassinet, and our first diapers. Ben was a good handy man, putting things together, and Sarah has tested everything out. Even bear has gotten in on the action, being my subject for testing out the sleepy wrap!

The living room has had it’s own updates, mostly because of Ben’s newfound love for the artwork of Gustove Dore (1832 – 1883). He did a massive collection of bible illustrations which were actually carved in wood. Ben tried to pick out his favorite 8, but couldn’t quite narrow them down. Even picking his top 16 was difficult! He’s still got more more he’d like to put up, but we’re running out of wall space. 🙂

And lastly, a little baby holt cake that Mom made, deeeelish! 🙂

  1. Great to see the Holt family is expanding. Love the cake. Good luck to you all.

  2. Everything looks great! Especially the cake. My mouth is watering thinking about it!!

  3. Kerris

    Aww cute! The room looks great. I hope you had a wonderful baby shower-wish I could have been there. I am so excited for Baby Holt to arrive! 🙂

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